#!/bin/bash # set environment variable for testing dir RESEARCH_TESTING=$RESEARCH_ROOT/testing rm -rf $RESEARCH_TESTING/*.log #BEGIN Test 1: Preprocessor for Staff rm -rf $RESEARCH_TESTING/build echo "Test 1: Preprocessor for staff keys" $RESEARCH_ROOT/bin/preproc_staff.sh $RESEARCH_TESTING/aperiodSchr.md $RESEARCH_TESTING/build >> $RESEARCH_TESTING/testing.log 2>&1 DIFF=$(diff $RESEARCH_TESTING/build/aperiodSchr.md $RESEARCH_TESTING/aperiodSchr-preproc.md) if [ "$DIFF" != "" ] then echo "Test 1: failed" exit 1 else echo "Test 1: passed." fi #END Test 1 #BEGIN Test 2: Preprocessor for Working Group rm -rf $RESEARCH_TESTING/build echo "Test 2: Preprocessor for staff keys" $RESEARCH_ROOT/bin/preproc_wg.sh $RESEARCH_TESTING/aperiodSchr.md $RESEARCH_TESTING/build >> $RESEARCH_TESTING/testing.log 2>&1 DIFF=$(diff $RESEARCH_TESTING/build/aperiodSchr.md $RESEARCH_TESTING/aperiodSchr-preproc-wg.md) if [ "$DIFF" != "" ] then echo "Test 2: failed" exit 1 else echo "Test 2: passed." fi #END Test 2 #BEGIN Test 3: Preprocessor Staff then Working Group rm -rf $RESEARCH_TESTING/build echo "Test 3: Preprocessor for staff and working group keys" $RESEARCH_ROOT/bin/preproc_staff.sh $RESEARCH_TESTING/aperiodSchr.md $RESEARCH_TESTING/build >> $RESEARCH_TESTING/testing.log 2>&1 $RESEARCH_ROOT/bin/preproc_wg.sh $RESEARCH_TESTING/aperiodSchr.md $RESEARCH_TESTING/build >> $RESEARCH_TESTING/testing.log 2>&1 DIFF=$(diff $RESEARCH_TESTING/build/aperiodSchr.md $RESEARCH_TESTING/aperiodSchr-preproc-both.md) if [ "$DIFF" != "" ] then echo "Test 3: failed" exit 1 else echo "Test 3: passed." fi #END Test 3 #BEGIN Test 4: Preprocessor Working Group then Staff (opposite order as Test 3) rm -rf $RESEARCH_TESTING/build echo "Test 4: Preprocessor for working group and staff keys" $RESEARCH_ROOT/bin/preproc_wg.sh $RESEARCH_TESTING/aperiodSchr.md $RESEARCH_TESTING/build >> $RESEARCH_TESTING/testing.log 2>&1 $RESEARCH_ROOT/bin/preproc_staff.sh $RESEARCH_TESTING/aperiodSchr.md $RESEARCH_TESTING/build >> $RESEARCH_TESTING/testing.log 2>&1 DIFF=$(diff $RESEARCH_TESTING/build/aperiodSchr.md $RESEARCH_TESTING/aperiodSchr-preproc-both.md) if [ "$DIFF" != "" ] then echo "Test 4: failed" exit 1 else echo "Test 4: passed." fi #END Test 4 #this should be the last line (errors exit earlier) exit 0