Explore projects
Official Gitlab repository for module M1432 : Programmierparadigmen (Object Oriented Programming with C++, Git and Python) (see README)
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Templates for various types of reports - bachelor, master, project work, seminar
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Apps and Source code for the Metric App from M. Hammer, University of Paderborn, www.computational-photonics.eu
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M-21 / public / templates / LaTeX Cookbook
MIT LicenseA LaTeX Cookbook based on the Cookbook from Alex Povel, a former WiMi of the institute.
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Alexander Povel / LaTeX Cookbook
MIT LicenseREPO MOVED TO GITHUB: https://github.com/alexpovel/latex-cookbook
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This repository is contains the global configuration of a journal.
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Jonathan Vieth / ITT LaTeX-Vorlage
MIT LicenseLaTeX Vorlage des Instituts für Technische Thermodynamik (M21) für Abschlussarbeiten. Basierend auf dem Cookbook von Alex Povel.
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Leon Zickert / ITT LaTeX-Vorlage
MIT LicenseLaTeX Vorlage des Instituts für Technische Thermodynamik (M21) für Abschlussarbeiten. Basierend auf dem Cookbook von Alex Povel.
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Arkan Raed Ahmed Al-Asadi / ITT LaTeX-Vorlage
MIT LicenseLaTeX Vorlage des Instituts für Technische Thermodynamik (M21) für Abschlussarbeiten. Basierend auf dem Cookbook von Alex Povel.
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LaTeX template of the Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics (M21) for theses. Based on the Cookbook by Alex Povel.
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M-21 / public / templates / ITT LaTeX template
MIT LicenseLaTeX template of the Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics (M21) for theses. Based on the Cookbook by Alex Povel.
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Lennart Papa / ITT LaTeX template
MIT LicenseLaTeX template of the Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics (M21) for theses. Based on the Cookbook by Alex Povel.
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A program to demonstrate the in place array transpose using cycling shifting.
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Ole Lübke / IGMaxHS
MIT LicenseUpdated