typesetting blocks and theorems
adapts stylefiles based on the snippets in
Add this to the beamerthemetuhh.sty
\setbeamertemplate{theorem begin}
\ifx\inserttheoremaddition\@empty\else\ \inserttheoremaddition\fi%
\setbeamertemplate{theorem end}{\end{\inserttheoremblockenv}}
Add this to the beamercolorthemetuhh.sty
\setbeamercolor{block title}{use=structure,fg=white,bg=tuhhTeal}
\setbeamercolor{block body}{parent=normal text,use=block title,bg=white}
Add this to the beamerfontthemetuhh.sty
\setbeamerfont{block body}{size=\fontsize{20pt}{7.5mm}, series=\fontfamily{poppins}}
Use in your document as:
\begin{theorem}[Cooperative Data Exchange (CDE)]
A CDE Problem consists of a set of nodes and a set of information chunks.\\
At the start of a CDE process each node only holds a subset of information chunks.\\
At the end of a CDE process each node should hold \textbf{all} information chunks.
Edited by Fabian Nuraddin Alexander Gabel