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Beispielhaftes Script zur automatischen Verarbeitung von TORE-Rest-Daten mit OpenRefine via Orcli
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/pica/lbs_api/local - Gossip, PAIA, DAIA, LBS-Connector
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The aim of the project is to develop an empirically more sound fraud dynamics model. To this end, we re-implement parts of the fraud dynamics and controls model by Davis and Pesch (2013) and replace the original model's simple contagion mechanism by a more complex contagion mechanism. The latter is inspired by the operational social norm definition proposed by Bicchieri (2006). It introduces a bias in individual agents' behavioral decision-making when chosing between honesty and fraud. Next, we calibrate the model with two empirically measured norm sensitivity distributions and run simulation experiments.
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A fork of the MRBS (Meeting Room Booking System) at version 1.8 from 2020-03-31.
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/pica/lbs_eas/local - "Der Jaguar unter den RHEL-Systemen"
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This project entails the code for a MATLAB application for the calculation of the local mixing time distribution in stirred tank reactors (STR), originally written by Jürgen Fitschen.