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Axel Dürkop / Jupyter Book
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
ITBH / OER / Informatik / Codebeispiele / Daten analysieren / Textanalyse
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Beispiel für die Verknüpfung der Tools Jupyter Notebook, GitLab und Binder. Entwickelt für den TUHH-Workshop "Kollaborieren in Forschung und Lehre".
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Code for "Finite Section Method for Aperiodic Schrödinger Operators"
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Official Gitlab repository for module M1432 : Programmierparadigmen (Object Oriented Programming with C++, Git and Python) (see README)
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Official Gitlab repository for module M1432 : Programmierparadigmen (Object Oriented Programming with C++, Git and Python) (see README)
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Material zum Vorkurs zu den Ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen
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Different implementations of Autoencoders that are used for dimension reduction and manifold learning
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A matplotlib stylesheet adhering to the TUHH styleguide
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A matplotlib stylesheet adhering to the TUHH styleguide
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Official Gitlab repository for module M1432 : Programmierparadigmen (Object Oriented Programming with C++, Git and Python) (see README)