Explore projects
V-5 / Multiphase Bioreactors / Sebastian Hofmann / CEJA data for Comparison of LSP trajectories with LB simulation
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Universitätsbibliothek / Digitale Dienste / LBS / LBS Interfaces / library-membership-api
MIT LicenseLösung zur einfachen Abfrage der Ausweisgültigkeit bei allen (Hamburger Wissenschaftlichen) Bibliotheken.
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Display publications and projects from TORE in Wordpress pages
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TU-interne Fortbildung "Forschen und Lehren mit Jupyter Notebook"
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M-21 / public / templates / Elsevier LaTeX
MIT LicenseA LaTeX template for typesetting Elsevier journals based on the elsarticle class released by Elsevier.
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ITBH-ITEC-BHH / SIA-FI1 / SIA-BHH-Introduction
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0This is an example project to work with git
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HOOU an der TUHH Projekte / Tekethics / Präsentationen / Popkultur als Ideengeber für demokratische Diskurse
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdatedUpdated -
Simple repository to try out importing, cloning and updating remote
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Homework Material for Mathematical Image Processing (Winter Term 2022)
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M-21 / public / templates / LaTeX Cookbook
MIT LicenseA LaTeX Cookbook based on the Cookbook from Alex Povel, a former WiMi of the institute.
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Universitätsbibliothek / Digitale Dienste / LBS / PHP Web Applications / library-registration
MIT LicenseA registration form for patrons with backend for employees.