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Fernleiheinheiten im GBV über ein Formular oder Webabfrage via Gossip buchen. Inklusive OUS-Gebühr.
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A registration form for patrons with backend for employees.
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Just testing querying FOLIO
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Automatized creation of web pages featuring an overview of all the research topics and interests at https://www.mat.tuhh.de/
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Child Theme for Astra (Pro)
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A fork of the MRBS (Meeting Room Booking System) at version 1.11.4 from 2020-03-31.
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/pica/lbs_waf/htdocs (vor RHEL9 /pica/local/htdocs; 2024-08)
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/pica/lbs_web/httpd/htdocs/local (Quick & dirty hacks and fixes for new LBS GUI (as of v.2.12))
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This repo includes the "T&E 4Log App" for the Test and Evaluation of indoor localization systems in logistics
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GitBook im Projekt Hop-on. Beantwortet die häufigsten Fragen von Geflüchteten zur akademischen Bildung in Deutschland.
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