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@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ Each institute of higher education can define its own rules. We will concentrate
If you don't have a direct higher education entrance qualification, you need to do go to preparatory college. Studienkollegs haben unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte. Das bedeutet, man sollte schon wissen, was man studieren möchte. Manchmal kann man nach dem Studienkolleg nur Fächer studieren, die zu den Schwerpunkten des Studienkollegs passen.
If you don't have a direct higher education entrance qualification, you need to do go to preparatory college. Preparatory colleges have different focus areas. This means that you should know what you want to study. Sometimes after your preparatory college, you can only study subjects that are close to the preparatory courses you took.
Wenn man einen ersten Studienabschluss hat (zum Beispiel Bachelor), kann man sich für einen Master bewerben. In Germany, you can do a "konsekutive Master" (consecutive master's) or a "nicht-konsekutive Master" (non-consecutive master's). Most master's programs are consecutive. Consecutive means that you do a bachelor's in the subject you want to do your master's.
If you have already completed your first degree (for example, bachelor's), you can apply for a master's. In Germany, you can do a "konsekutive Master" (consecutive master's) or a "nicht-konsekutive Master" (non-consecutive master's). Most master's programs are consecutive. Consecutive means that you do a bachelor's in the subject you want to do your master's.
@@ -26,30 +26,30 @@ You can only do a Master of Economics if you have done a Bachelor of Economics.
Numerus Clausus (NC) means that there are more applications than spots for a course of study. Another word for Numerus Clausus (NC) is also "zulassungsbeschränkt" (admission restricted). Admission restricted means that only certain applications will be selected. The criteria for the selection are often :
Mehr Informationen findet man auch im Hochschulkompass auf [Deutsch]( und [Englisch](
More information can be found on the institute of higher education compass in [German]( and [English](
In manchen Studiengängen gibt es immer mehr Bewerberinnen und Bewerber als Studienplätze. Aktuell sind das Medizin (Humanmedizin, Tiermedizin und Zahnmedizin) und Pharmazie. Das kann sich jedes Jahr ändern. Bei diesen Studiengängen muss man sich zentral auf []( bewerben. Die Webseite ist nur auf Deutsch.
In some courses of study there are always more applications than spots for studying. Currently, these courses of study are medicine (doctors, veterinary medicine and dentistry) and pharmacy. That may change every year. Bei diesen Studiengängen muss man sich zentral auf []( bewerben. Die Webseite ist nur auf Deutsch.