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<p>In the following videos, the academic supervisors, <span class="bold">Mirko Daniel Garasic</span> and <span class="bold">Dr. Steffen Steinert</span>, provide introductions to the topics at hand and set the frame for the course. Please note that the second video is only available in German as it is designed for the complementary course taking place on campus.</p>
<p>The design of the course is a mixture of individual reading sessions and group discussions, both of which are open for everybody. All you need is access to a computer with a current browser, an Internet connection, and, of course, a desire to learn. In order to benefit from the entire learning experience, you need to register for the discussion forum at <a href="https://community.tuhh.de" target="_blank">community.tuhh.de</a>. However, if you are only interested in the content-side of the course, you can also just take part in the reading sessions, no registration needed.</p>
<a href="https://community.tuhh.de/t/1-chapter-intelligent-machines-are-on-the-rise-do-we-believe-in-technology-as-inherently-representative-of-progress-or-should-we-fear-that-a-terminator-is-on-its-way/525" target="_blank"><span>AI & Robotics<br><span class="startdate">»18.09.2017«</span></span>
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<p>We will start with <span class="bold">AI and robotics</span>, to then move to the debate on <span class="bold">human enhancement</span>. Next, we will look into the link between <span class="bold">[genetic] engineering and environmental ethics</span> and, lastly, we will consider the implications that <span class="bold">developments in neuroscience</span> are having for notions of <span class="bold">responsibility in law</span>. Particular attention will be paid to the “controversies” over these
<p>We will start with <span class="bold">AI and robotics</span> and then move on to the debate on <span class="bold">human enhancement</span>. Next, we will look into the link between <span class="bold">[genetic] engineering and environmental ethics</span> and consider the implications that <span class="bold">developments in neuroscience</span> have for notions of <span class="bold">responsibility in law</span>. Lastly, we will take a look at <span class="bold">robots and pizza delivery</span> to gain some insights into roboethics and ethical issues of recent robot technology. Particular attention will be paid to the “controversies” over these topics, and different examples will be brought forth in order to ensure a lively and up-to-date discussion with and between students.</p>
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<p>The tekethics team produces open educational material concerned with bioethical issues, moderates and supports the discussion around these difficult but also fascinating topics. It is an open learning project of the <a href="https://www.tuhh.de/tuhh/startseite.html" target="_blank">Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)</a> in cooperation with the IMT School for Advanced Studies in Lucca and the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights in Rome funded by the <a href="http://www.hoou.de/p/" target="_blank">Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU)</a>.</p>
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My research background is as diverse as the discipline of bioethics is. I hold a Ph.D. in Political Theory from LUISS University, Rome. Since the beginning of my Ph.D., I have worked in <span class="bold">four continents</span> and <span class="bold">published in five.</span> Among other work experiences, I should mention that:
<p>Hello everybody,<br><br> my name is Steffen Steinert, I studied Philosophy at the Technical University of Dresden (Germany), and the New School for Social Research, New York (USA). I obtained my Ph.D. at the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences, University of Munich. Before joining the Ethics and Philosophy of Technology section at TU Delft, I was a researcher in a project that explores the ethical, social and legal implications of brain-computer interfaces.</p>