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Snippets Groups Projects
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How to contribute a research topic

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If you are looking for a guided tour, watch

If you feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start, watch this 5-min kickstart-video:

And if you have doubts about compatibility with our institute page, let me show you what is possible.

Demo Page

Basic Template

Just copy+paste the source of the file or the following into a text-editor with Markdown syntax highlighting (personal recommendations below).

# The Title of our Impressive Reasearch Project

### Working Groups: aa, cm, dm, nm, st

### Collaborators (MAT): ataraz, cseifert, dclemens, dgallaun, druprecht, fboesch, fbuenger, fgabel, fhamann, hruan, hvoss, jangel, jdornemann, jfregin, jgrams, jgrossmann, jmeichsner, jpmzemke, jurizarna, kalbrecht, kklioba, kkruse, mjanssen, mlindner, mschulte, mwolkner, pbaasch, pgupta, rbeddig, rukena, sgoetschel, sleborne, sotten, tsaathoff, vgriem, vtrapp, wleinen, wmackens, ymogge

### Collaborators (External): [Vaughan Jones](, [Terry Tao](

## Description

This is about Math and contains some nice inline formulas like $\int_0^1 \sin(x) \mathrm{d}x$ and also some displayed formulas like

\int_0^1 \sin(x) \mathrm{d}x

It also contains some nice pictures

![Our Institute Logo](/img/logo_header_mat_de.png)

## References

[1] Integrability Methods in Harmonic Galois Theory. F. Gabel, M. Chebyshev, Z. B. Hadamard and N. Deligne. Available at [](

Now, delete the working groups and collaborators that are not involved. The keys like ataraz, cseifert, etc. are taken from the URL of our institute webpages:


Editing Markdown

If the above template lacks a particular feature you want to use, check out this short Markdown Guide.

Online: HedgeDoc @ TUHH

Just LogIn at and create a new note. Paste all of the above into a document and work on it.

Our Institute Logo

Online: HedgeDoc @ HedgeDoc

Same as HedgeDoc @ TUHH. Just visit .

Offline: VSCodium (MIT license)

Download VSCodium and install the Mathpix Markdown extension.

Render your document with <CTRL>+<SHIFT>+V

VS Code

Offline: VSCode (by Microsoft)

Download VSCode and install the Markdown+Math extension. Exactly the same as VSCodium but with Microsoft's branding. See here.

As for VSCodium, render your document with <CTRL>+<SHIFT>+V

Publishing your File

Choose whatever you feel comfortable with: You can forward your to me via
