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Commit 26bd69d5 authored by Fabian Gabel's avatar Fabian Gabel
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Refactor code into smaller pieces to avoid repetitive patterns

parent 29d797f6
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1 merge request!12Refactor code into smaller pieces to avoid repetitive patterns
......@@ -2,8 +2,28 @@
# Full project:
- preprocessor-test
- preprocessor-run
- pandoc-run
- deploy
stage: preprocessor-test
allow_failure: false
name: alpine:latest
- apk add --no-cache --upgrade bash
# run shell script with testss
- testing/*.log
stage: build
stage: preprocessor-run
allow_failure: false
name: alpine:latest
......@@ -11,14 +31,13 @@ preprocessing:
- apk add --no-cache --upgrade bash
# preprocess .MD files
- build
stage: test
stage: pandoc-run
dependencies: [preprocessing]
name: pandoc/latex:latest
......@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ rm -rf $BUILD_DIR
rm -rf $DEPLOY_DIR/{.public,public}
#build Index
#make public directory and copy files
# extract title of research topic
filename=$(basename -- "$1")
echo "## `head -n 1 $1 | sed -e "s;#\s*;\[;g" -e "s;\(.*\);\1\](${}.html);g"`"
\ No newline at end of file
# Preprocessor for staff keys in .md topic file
# Replaces key fgabel by "Fabian Gabel, M.Sc." according to Webpage content
# If Build_dir is passed, titles are appended to corresponding files
# Note: uses WINDOWS-1252 character encoding
# processing command line arguments
if [ $# -lt 2 ]
echo -e "No building directory was specified."
echo -e "Building into directory $RESEARCH_BUILD ..."
filename=$(basename -- "$1")
#make output copy
echo "Preprocessing $filename..."
if [ -f "$RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename" ]
echo "File exists, performing preprocessing in place"
cp $1 $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename
#extract title of topic
echo "Extracting title of $1..."
title=`./ $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename`
echo "Title of Topic: $title"
# start preprocessing
# -- leave original untouched, only work with copy in $RESEARCH_BUILD
echo "Preprocessing collaborators in file $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename ..."
namelist=`grep -h -i -m 1 -r "###\s*Collaborators (MAT):" $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename | sed -e 's/^###\s*Collaborators (MAT):\s*//I' -e 's/\s*,\s*/\n/g' | sort -u`
echo "Found the following keys: " $namelist
echo "Replacing collaborator keys ..."
for name in $namelist
# pipeline to get full name of staff-member from mat-homepage
# -> wget the staff homepage of $name
# -> grep the line with the <h1>-tag, something like <h1>Fabian Gabel, M. Sc.</h1><div class='staffIntro'><p><img src='/home/fgabel/images/portrait.png' title='Foto von Fabian Gabel, M. Sc.' class='staffPicture'></p><div class='staffContact'>
# -> strip the string such that only the portion between <h1></h1> remains
# -> remove leading spaces
wget -qO- $baseurl/home/$name/?homepage_id=$name > page.html
iconv -f WINDOWS-1252 -t UTF-8 ./page.html > ./utf.html
fullname=`grep h1 ./utf.html | sed -e "s/<h1>\s*\(.*\)<\/h1>.*$/\1/g" | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'`
rm -rf {utf,page}.html
echo "Found collaborator $fullname"
# replace name in .md file
sed -i "s;$name;\[$fullname\]($name.html);g" $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename
#sed -i "s;$name;\[$fullname\]($baseurl/home/$name);g" $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename #uncomment this line for linking the webpage
# delete external collaborators if left empty
sed -i -e '/###\s*Collaborators (External):\s*$/ d' $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename
if [ $# -gt 1 ]
# append research to staffile
echo -e "\n$title\n" >> $RESEARCH_BUILD/$
# adpat img path (prefix a dot)
sed -i "s;\](/img/;\](./img/;g" $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename
\ No newline at end of file
rm -rf $RESEARCH_ROOT/build
#build index.html
#replace working group
#replace staff names
#finalize file
sed -i "s;\](/img/;\](./img/;g" $RESEARCH_BUILD/
#build rest of the topics
for f in $RESEARCH_ROOT/topics/*.md
echo $f
filename=$(basename -- "$f")
#make output copy
echo "Preprocessing $filename..."
cp $f $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename
#extract title of topic
title=`./ $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename`
echo "Preprocessing topic $title"
# append research topic to index
echo -e "\n$title\n" >> $RESEARCH_BUILD/
#replace working group
#replace staff names
#finalize file
sed -i "s;\](/img/;\](./img/;g" $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename
\ No newline at end of file
# Preprocessor for staff keys in .md topic file
# Replaces key fgabel by "Fabian Gabel, M.Sc." according to Webpage content
# If Build_dir is passed, titles are appended to corresponding files
# Note: uses WINDOWS-1252 character encoding
# processing command line arguments
if [ $# -lt 2 ]
echo -e "No building directory was specified."
echo -e "Building into directory $RESEARCH_BUILD ..."
filename=$(basename -- "$1")
#make output copy
echo "Preprocessing $filename..."
if [ -f "$RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename" ]
echo "File exists, performing preprocessing in place"
cp $1 $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename
#extract title of topic
echo "Extracting title of $1..."
title=`./ $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename`
echo "Title of Topic: $title"
# start preprocessing
# -- leave original untouched, only work with copy in $RESEARCH_BUILD
# replace working group
echo "Replacing working group keys..."
namelist=`grep -h -i -m 1 -r "###\s*Working Groups:" $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename | sed -e 's/^###\s*Working Groups:\s*//I' -e 's/\s*,\s*/\n/g' | sort -u`
echo "Found the following keys: " $namelist
for wg in $namelist
#extract full name from tuhh-webpage
fullname=`wget -qO- $baseurl/forschung/$wg | grep h1 | sed -e "s;<h1>\s*\(.*\)</h1>.*$;\1;g" | sed -e 's;^[ \t]*;;'`
echo "Found working group $fullname"
# append research to wg-file
if [ $# -gt 1 ]
echo -e "\n$title\n" >> $RESEARCH_BUILD/$
sed -i "s;### Working Groups:\(.*\)$wg\(.*\);### Working Groups:\1\[$fullname\]($wg.html)\2;g" $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename
#sed -i "s;### Working Groups:\(.*\)$wg\(.*\);### Working Groups:\1\[$fullname\]($baseurl/forschung/$wg)\2;g" $RESEARCH_BUILD/$filename #uncomment this line for linking the webpage
\ No newline at end of file
# set environment variable for testing dir
rm -rf $RESEARCH_TESTING/*.log
#BEGIN Test 1: Preprocessor for Staff
rm -rf $RESEARCH_TESTING/build
echo "Test 1: Preprocessor for staff keys"
if [ "$DIFF" != "" ]
echo "Test 1: failed"
exit 1
echo "Test 1: passed."
#END Test 1
#BEGIN Test 2: Preprocessor for Working Group
rm -rf $RESEARCH_TESTING/build
echo "Test 2: Preprocessor for staff keys"
if [ "$DIFF" != "" ]
echo "Test 2: failed"
exit 1
echo "Test 2: passed."
#END Test 2
#BEGIN Test 3: Preprocessor Staff then Working Group
rm -rf $RESEARCH_TESTING/build
echo "Test 3: Preprocessor for staff and working group keys"
if [ "$DIFF" != "" ]
echo "Test 3: failed"
exit 1
echo "Test 3: passed."
#END Test 3
#BEGIN Test 4: Preprocessor Working Group then Staff (opposite order as Test 3)
rm -rf $RESEARCH_TESTING/build
echo "Test 4: Preprocessor for working group and staff keys"
if [ "$DIFF" != "" ]
echo "Test 4: failed"
exit 1
echo "Test 4: passed."
#END Test 4
#this should be the last line (errors exit earlier)
exit 0
\ No newline at end of file
# Finite Sections of Aperiodic Schrödinger Operators
### Working Groups: [Lehrstuhl Angewandte Analysis](aa.html)
### Collaborators (MAT): [Dennis Gallaun, M. Sc.](dgallaun.html), [Fabian Gabel, M. Sc.](fgabel.html), [Dr. Julian Großmann](jgrossmann.html), [Prof. Dr. Marko Lindner](mlindner.html), [Riko Ukena, M. Sc.](rukena.html)
## Description
Discrete Schrödinger operators are used to describe physical systems on lattices
and, therefore, play an important role in theoretical solid-state physics.
For a fixed $p \in [1,\infty]$, consider the Schrödinger operator $H \colon \ell^p(\mathbb{Z}) \to \ell^p(\mathbb{Z})$ given by
(H x)_n = x_{n + 1} + x_{n - 1} + v(n) x_nn \in \mathbb{Z},
and its one-sided counterpart $H_+ \colon \ell^p(\mathbb{N}) \to \ell^p(\mathbb{N})$ given by
(H_+ x)_n = x_{n + 1} + x_{n - 1} + v(n) x_n\;,n \in \mathbb{N}, \quad x_0 = 0\;.
$$ (2)
Based on Definitions $(1)$ and $(2)$, one can associate $H$ and $H_+$ with infinite tridiagonal matrices $A = (a_{ij})_{i,j \in \mathbb{Z}}$ and $A_+ = (a_{i,j})_{i,j \in \mathbb{N}}$.
Looking at the corresponding infinite linear system of equations
A x = b \quad\text{and}\quad A_+ y = c
it is interesting to know if the solutions $x$ and $y$ to theses systems can be computed approximately by solving the large but finite linear systems
A_m x^{(m)} = b^{(m)} \quad\text{and}\quad (A_+)_m y^{(m)} = c^{(m)}
and letting $m \to \infty$.
This is the main idea of the Finite Section Method (FSM).
In order to assure the applicability of the above procedure, one investigates further properties of the operator $A$, the sequence $(A_n)$ and its one-sided counterparts. In particular, Fredholm Theory, spectral theory and the concept of limit operators play a central role in this investigation [1].
This research project deals with the investigation of the applicability of the FSM to problems surging from aperiodic discrete Schrödinger Operators [3].
A famous example for theses operators is the so called Fibonacci-Hamiltonian [2], where the potential $v$ is given as
v(n) := \chi_{[1 - \alpha, 1)}(n \alpha \operatorname{mod} 1)\;, \quad n \in \mathbb{Z}.
For this particular example, the central objects of investigation are periodic approximations $(A_m)$. It is crucial to assure that the spectrum of these approximations eventually avoids the point $0$ for larger numbers of $m$. The following graph shows approximations of the spectra of the one-sided Fibonacci Hamiltonian on $\ell^2(\mathbb{N})$.
## References
[1] M. Lindner. Infinite Matrices and their Finite Sections: An Introduction to the Limit
Operator Method, Basel: Birkhäuser, 2006.
[2] M. Lindner, H. Söding. "Finite Sections of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian," in The Diversity and Beauty of Applied Operator Theory, edited by A. Böttcher, D. Potts, P. Stollmann and D. Wenzel. Cham: Springer International Publishing, (2018):381-396.
[3] F. Gabel, D. Gallaun, J. Großmann, R. Ukena. The Finite Section Method for Aperiodic Schrödinger Operators. [arXiv:2104.00711](
\ No newline at end of file
# Finite Sections of Aperiodic Schrödinger Operators
### Working Groups: [Lehrstuhl Angewandte Analysis](aa.html)
### Collaborators (MAT): dgallaun, fgabel, jgrossmann, mlindner, rukena
### Collaborators (External):
## Description
Discrete Schrödinger operators are used to describe physical systems on lattices
and, therefore, play an important role in theoretical solid-state physics.
For a fixed $p \in [1,\infty]$, consider the Schrödinger operator $H \colon \ell^p(\mathbb{Z}) \to \ell^p(\mathbb{Z})$ given by
(H x)_n = x_{n + 1} + x_{n - 1} + v(n) x_nn \in \mathbb{Z},
and its one-sided counterpart $H_+ \colon \ell^p(\mathbb{N}) \to \ell^p(\mathbb{N})$ given by
(H_+ x)_n = x_{n + 1} + x_{n - 1} + v(n) x_n\;,n \in \mathbb{N}, \quad x_0 = 0\;.
$$ (2)
Based on Definitions $(1)$ and $(2)$, one can associate $H$ and $H_+$ with infinite tridiagonal matrices $A = (a_{ij})_{i,j \in \mathbb{Z}}$ and $A_+ = (a_{i,j})_{i,j \in \mathbb{N}}$.
Looking at the corresponding infinite linear system of equations
A x = b \quad\text{and}\quad A_+ y = c
it is interesting to know if the solutions $x$ and $y$ to theses systems can be computed approximately by solving the large but finite linear systems
A_m x^{(m)} = b^{(m)} \quad\text{and}\quad (A_+)_m y^{(m)} = c^{(m)}
and letting $m \to \infty$.
This is the main idea of the Finite Section Method (FSM).
In order to assure the applicability of the above procedure, one investigates further properties of the operator $A$, the sequence $(A_n)$ and its one-sided counterparts. In particular, Fredholm Theory, spectral theory and the concept of limit operators play a central role in this investigation [1].
This research project deals with the investigation of the applicability of the FSM to problems surging from aperiodic discrete Schrödinger Operators [3].
A famous example for theses operators is the so called Fibonacci-Hamiltonian [2], where the potential $v$ is given as
v(n) := \chi_{[1 - \alpha, 1)}(n \alpha \operatorname{mod} 1)\;, \quad n \in \mathbb{Z}.
For this particular example, the central objects of investigation are periodic approximations $(A_m)$. It is crucial to assure that the spectrum of these approximations eventually avoids the point $0$ for larger numbers of $m$. The following graph shows approximations of the spectra of the one-sided Fibonacci Hamiltonian on $\ell^2(\mathbb{N})$.
## References
[1] M. Lindner. Infinite Matrices and their Finite Sections: An Introduction to the Limit
Operator Method, Basel: Birkhäuser, 2006.
[2] M. Lindner, H. Söding. "Finite Sections of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian," in The Diversity and Beauty of Applied Operator Theory, edited by A. Böttcher, D. Potts, P. Stollmann and D. Wenzel. Cham: Springer International Publishing, (2018):381-396.
[3] F. Gabel, D. Gallaun, J. Großmann, R. Ukena. The Finite Section Method for Aperiodic Schrödinger Operators. [arXiv:2104.00711](
\ No newline at end of file
# Finite Sections of Aperiodic Schrödinger Operators
### Working Groups: aa
### Collaborators (MAT): [Dennis Gallaun, M. Sc.](dgallaun.html), [Fabian Gabel, M. Sc.](fgabel.html), [Dr. Julian Großmann](jgrossmann.html), [Prof. Dr. Marko Lindner](mlindner.html), [Riko Ukena, M. Sc.](rukena.html)
## Description
Discrete Schrödinger operators are used to describe physical systems on lattices
and, therefore, play an important role in theoretical solid-state physics.
For a fixed $p \in [1,\infty]$, consider the Schrödinger operator $H \colon \ell^p(\mathbb{Z}) \to \ell^p(\mathbb{Z})$ given by
(H x)_n = x_{n + 1} + x_{n - 1} + v(n) x_nn \in \mathbb{Z},
and its one-sided counterpart $H_+ \colon \ell^p(\mathbb{N}) \to \ell^p(\mathbb{N})$ given by
(H_+ x)_n = x_{n + 1} + x_{n - 1} + v(n) x_n\;,n \in \mathbb{N}, \quad x_0 = 0\;.
$$ (2)
Based on Definitions $(1)$ and $(2)$, one can associate $H$ and $H_+$ with infinite tridiagonal matrices $A = (a_{ij})_{i,j \in \mathbb{Z}}$ and $A_+ = (a_{i,j})_{i,j \in \mathbb{N}}$.
Looking at the corresponding infinite linear system of equations
A x = b \quad\text{and}\quad A_+ y = c
it is interesting to know if the solutions $x$ and $y$ to theses systems can be computed approximately by solving the large but finite linear systems
A_m x^{(m)} = b^{(m)} \quad\text{and}\quad (A_+)_m y^{(m)} = c^{(m)}
and letting $m \to \infty$.
This is the main idea of the Finite Section Method (FSM).
In order to assure the applicability of the above procedure, one investigates further properties of the operator $A$, the sequence $(A_n)$ and its one-sided counterparts. In particular, Fredholm Theory, spectral theory and the concept of limit operators play a central role in this investigation [1].
This research project deals with the investigation of the applicability of the FSM to problems surging from aperiodic discrete Schrödinger Operators [3].
A famous example for theses operators is the so called Fibonacci-Hamiltonian [2], where the potential $v$ is given as
v(n) := \chi_{[1 - \alpha, 1)}(n \alpha \operatorname{mod} 1)\;, \quad n \in \mathbb{Z}.
For this particular example, the central objects of investigation are periodic approximations $(A_m)$. It is crucial to assure that the spectrum of these approximations eventually avoids the point $0$ for larger numbers of $m$. The following graph shows approximations of the spectra of the one-sided Fibonacci Hamiltonian on $\ell^2(\mathbb{N})$.
## References
[1] M. Lindner. Infinite Matrices and their Finite Sections: An Introduction to the Limit
Operator Method, Basel: Birkhäuser, 2006.
[2] M. Lindner, H. Söding. "Finite Sections of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian," in The Diversity and Beauty of Applied Operator Theory, edited by A. Böttcher, D. Potts, P. Stollmann and D. Wenzel. Cham: Springer International Publishing, (2018):381-396.
[3] F. Gabel, D. Gallaun, J. Großmann, R. Ukena. The Finite Section Method for Aperiodic Schrödinger Operators. [arXiv:2104.00711](
\ No newline at end of file
# Finite Sections of Aperiodic Schrödinger Operators
### Working Groups: aa
### Collaborators (MAT): dgallaun, fgabel, jgrossmann, mlindner, rukena
### Collaborators (External):
## Description
Discrete Schrödinger operators are used to describe physical systems on lattices
and, therefore, play an important role in theoretical solid-state physics.
For a fixed $p \in [1,\infty]$, consider the Schrödinger operator $H \colon \ell^p(\mathbb{Z}) \to \ell^p(\mathbb{Z})$ given by
(H x)_n = x_{n + 1} + x_{n - 1} + v(n) x_nn \in \mathbb{Z},
and its one-sided counterpart $H_+ \colon \ell^p(\mathbb{N}) \to \ell^p(\mathbb{N})$ given by
(H_+ x)_n = x_{n + 1} + x_{n - 1} + v(n) x_n\;,n \in \mathbb{N}, \quad x_0 = 0\;.
$$ (2)
Based on Definitions $(1)$ and $(2)$, one can associate $H$ and $H_+$ with infinite tridiagonal matrices $A = (a_{ij})_{i,j \in \mathbb{Z}}$ and $A_+ = (a_{i,j})_{i,j \in \mathbb{N}}$.
Looking at the corresponding infinite linear system of equations
A x = b \quad\text{and}\quad A_+ y = c
it is interesting to know if the solutions $x$ and $y$ to theses systems can be computed approximately by solving the large but finite linear systems
A_m x^{(m)} = b^{(m)} \quad\text{and}\quad (A_+)_m y^{(m)} = c^{(m)}
and letting $m \to \infty$.
This is the main idea of the Finite Section Method (FSM).
In order to assure the applicability of the above procedure, one investigates further properties of the operator $A$, the sequence $(A_n)$ and its one-sided counterparts. In particular, Fredholm Theory, spectral theory and the concept of limit operators play a central role in this investigation [1].
This research project deals with the investigation of the applicability of the FSM to problems surging from aperiodic discrete Schrödinger Operators [3].
A famous example for theses operators is the so called Fibonacci-Hamiltonian [2], where the potential $v$ is given as
v(n) := \chi_{[1 - \alpha, 1)}(n \alpha \operatorname{mod} 1)\;, \quad n \in \mathbb{Z}.
For this particular example, the central objects of investigation are periodic approximations $(A_m)$. It is crucial to assure that the spectrum of these approximations eventually avoids the point $0$ for larger numbers of $m$. The following graph shows approximations of the spectra of the one-sided Fibonacci Hamiltonian on $\ell^2(\mathbb{N})$.
## References
[1] M. Lindner. Infinite Matrices and their Finite Sections: An Introduction to the Limit
Operator Method, Basel: Birkhäuser, 2006.
[2] M. Lindner, H. Söding. "Finite Sections of the Fibonacci Hamiltonian," in The Diversity and Beauty of Applied Operator Theory, edited by A. Böttcher, D. Potts, P. Stollmann and D. Wenzel. Cham: Springer International Publishing, (2018):381-396.
[3] F. Gabel, D. Gallaun, J. Großmann, R. Ukena. The Finite Section Method for Aperiodic Schrödinger Operators. [arXiv:2104.00711](
\ No newline at end of file
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