% Magic Comment: this template requires LuaLaTeX. The following 'magic comment' is
% recognized by editors and will ensure lualatex engine use:
%!TEX TS-program = lualatex
% Note that package `svg` also requires elevation, aka the `--shell-escape` option to
% read/write SVG/PDF files.
% Check if printversion or not
% Load Package substr to use \IfSubStringInString to proof whether print is in the jobname
% use \RequirePackage because we are before \documentclass
% see:
% The variable \jobname is used, because it is the only one which can be passed
% to a latex job.
% If \jobname is set to -print, the local print variable is set true and the print version is made.
% If it isn't set or something else, the print variable is set false and the normal version is made.
% We thereby use -print as "key" to avoid printing the printversion for files named "fingerprint.pdf"
% or contain why the hell else print in there name.
% The command to receive the print version: latexmk --jobname=-print
% The command to receive the normal version: latexmk
% LaTeX is a fucking nightmare: `\jobname` doesn't contain normal category code for its
% letters, so a hack is required, as usual:
% Load class file
% Global language, passed down to packages and base class.
% language=english,
language=german,% to use in german uncomment this line and comment the above
titlestyle=thesis,% Style of titlepage: thesis, book or uncomment for vanilla
BCOR=5mm,% Binding Correction. Cannot be known a priori, only guesstimated
a4,% Options: a4/a5 for a4 paper with 11pt or a5 paper with 10pt, respectively
% Toggle all \censor{} etc. commands, e.g. to generate a public version:
]{acp}% Load custom class file (*.cls)
% Preamble
% This is still the preamble. You can insert '\newcommand's and all other stuff here. If
% it is a more long-term change, write it to the class (*.cls) file. You also find all
% settings to existing packages there.
%\usepackage{showframe}% Uncomment for debugging (show frames)
% The following occurs here so VSCode's 'LaTeX Workshop' extension can find all bib
% resources (it doesn't seem to look into class files):
\addbibresource{bib/bibliography.bib}% *.bib file goes here
% Titlepage and document metadata content:
\usepackage{settings} % The settings for the titlepage are made
% The "real" Document starts here