The following checklist should be used to add institute logos to the repository.
The following checklist should be used to add institute logos to the repository, see the [wikipage]( on adding logos for details.
Please follow the checklist and use the provided template files to get correct spacings and sizes in the logos.
- [ ] Added titlepage logo version to be placed next to the TUHH wordmark (Path: `.theme_imgs/x0_logo_titlepage.pdf`)
#### Checklist
- [ ] Ask the current maintainer to promote you to `developer` via this issue or via mail.
- [ ] Added title page logo version to be placed next to the TUHH wordmark (Path: `.theme_imgs/x0_logo_titlepage.pdf`)
- [ ] Added content logo version to be placed in the top right corner of content slides (Path: `.theme_imgs/x0_logo_content.pdf`)
- [ ] Added document class option and template configuration
- [ ] Added document class option and template configuration to `tuhh_presentation.cls`