
Adrian Böckenkamp
Directory structure:
The folders are nested as follow:

Adrian Böckenkamp
fail: Fail* parent directory, containing all source & configuration files (${FAIL_DIR})
|-cmake: CMake-related configuration files (e.g. compiler-flags, dependencies, ...)
|-doc: Fail*-Framework documentation (e.g., diagrams, how-to's, ...)
|-deprecated: temporal and old (source) files, which will probably be deleted
|-scripts: python/shell scripts for Fail*-compilation and experiment distribution
|-simulators: parent directory of simulators supported by Fail* (may still be WIP)
|-bochs: source files of the (modified) Bochs x86 simulator backend
|-ovp: source files of the Open Virtual Platform simulator backend
|-src: C/C++/AspectC++ source files related to Fail*, experiments and plugins
|-core: core source files forming the Fail* framework
|-util: utility classes and miscellaneous helper functions
|-config: CMake configuration files, defining the Fail* components and variant
|-sal: source file forming the Simulator Abstraction Layer (backend-interface)
|-bochs: backend source files to the Bochs simulator
|-ovp: backend source files to the Open Virtual Platform simulator
|-cpn: campaign- (and therefore server-)related source files
|-efw: experiment-framework- (and therefore client-)related soure files
|-comm: communication related source files (these files are used by cpn and efw)
|-msg: Google protobuf message definitions used for communication purposes
|-experiments: experiment code files (within a new dir) need to be located here
|-plugins: plugin code files (within a new dir) need to be located here
|-[build]: recommended location of your build-tree, generated files will be placed here

Adrian Böckenkamp
Some additional useful notes:

Adrian Böckenkamp
- The source files have been documented using Doxygen comments. The Doxygen
documentation can be generated by typing "make doc" in your build-tree. The
resulting HTML and LaTeX files will be located in "${BUILD_DIR}/src/core/doc/".
- CMake supports an "in-source" build-tree. We recommend you not to use this

Adrian Böckenkamp
"feature", because it leads to a cluttered directory structure (mixing original
source files and generated code/config files). (Since it is still possible, however,
the "build" directory is optional.)
- CMake invokes the compiler with the following include directories:
* ${FAIL_DIR}/src/core
* ${BUILD_DIR}/src/core
When compiling the Bochs variant the following directory is added, too:
* ${FAIL_DIR}/simulators/bochs
These definitions simplify and shorten the include paths.

Adrian Böckenkamp
Namespace structure:
All classes, functions, constants, etc. are encapsulated in the namespace "fail".
Experiments and plugins (see corresponding directories above) are located in the
global scope (not in the "fail"-namespace).