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Institute of Communication Networks / tuhh_latex_presentation
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Alexander Povel / LaTeX Cookbook
MIT LicenseREPO MOVED TO GITHUB: https://github.com/alexpovel/latex-cookbook
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Lecture Notes for the course "Mathematical Image Processing"
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Fin Hendrik Bahnsen / latex-header
MIT LicenseEine LaTeX-Vorlage für Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
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M-21 / public / templates / ITT LaTeX template
MIT LicenseLaTeX template of the Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics (M21) for theses. Based on the Cookbook by Alex Povel.
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Florian Hagen / Mehr als 77 Tipps
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalMehr als 77 Tipps zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten ist ein Projekt der Technischen Universität Hamburg (TUHH) im Rahmen der Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU) und in Kooperation mit "Modernes Publizieren" im Programm Hamburg Open Science
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Templates for various types of reports - bachelor, master, project work, seminar
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Pontifex using the HUGO theme Doks
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A LaTeX Template for Bachelor's and Master's Theses at the Institute for Data Engineering
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The aim of the project is to develop an empirically more sound fraud dynamics model. To this end, we re-implement parts of the fraud dynamics and controls model by Davis and Pesch (2013) and replace the original model's simple contagion mechanism by a more complex contagion mechanism. The latter is inspired by the operational social norm definition proposed by Bicchieri (2006). It introduces a bias in individual agents' behavioral decision-making when chosing between honesty and fraud. Next, we calibrate the model with two empirically measured norm sensitivity distributions and run simulation experiments.
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M-21 / public / templates / Elsevier LaTeX
MIT LicenseA LaTeX template for typesetting Elsevier journals based on the elsarticle class released by Elsevier.
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Axel Dürkop / A Cookbook for LaTeX with git
MIT LicenseUpdated -
M-21 / public / templates / LaTeX Cookbook
MIT LicenseA LaTeX Cookbook based on the Cookbook from Alex Povel, a former WiMi of the institute.
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Neue Version mit Bookdown, 2019