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E-21 / myosuite
Apache License 2.0Updated -
LaTeX template of the Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics (M21) for theses. Based on the Cookbook by Alex Povel.
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This program is designed for linear wave simulations. It is written in python.
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Dieses GitHub-Repository enthält den Code für eine Generierung und Analyse des tetraedrischen Meshes mit CISAMR-Algorithmus unter Verwendung der Indikator-Funktion.
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Vincent Heins / AStA Homepage
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Django/Wagtail CMS ersatz für die alte Wordpress-Seite.
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A sympy python program that automates the process of formulating and solving a system of ode's on quantum graphs
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Reconfigurable and Updateable Embedded Systems
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Bis jetzt eine Django app zur Schlüsselverwaltung