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Generates a GitBook wir lorem-ipsum-content for development purposes
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Sammlung verschiedener Notebooks zu Python und Flask
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Beispiel, in dem aus den 32 Teams der WM 2018 dynamisch Unterseiten der Teams erzeugt werden.
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Integrierte Website für das Projekt Hop-on. Bietet Geflüchteten Informationen und Orientierung für die berufliche Bildung in Deutschland.
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Information Bottleneck Algorithms for Relevant-Information-Preserving Signal Processing in Python
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Information Bottleneck Decoding of regular and irregular LDPC codes using Python
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Apps and Source code for the Metric App from M. Hammer, University of Paderborn, www.computational-photonics.eu
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Export various data sets from GitLab issues, projects and groups
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A Python Toolkit to Compute the Transmission Behaviour of Plane Electromagnetic Waves Through Human Tissue
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Eine wachsende Sammlung von Übungen zu Python
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A Stochastic Ultra Wideband In-Body Channel Model
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Scripts that were used for data evaluation and other stuff around it.
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Einführung in Datenauswertung mit Jupyter Notebooks
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