This dataset entails mainly PYTHON code that implements Lagrangian Particle tracking with the "Consensus-Based tracking with Selective Rejection of Tracklets" (CSRT) algorithm in the "OpenCV" library and corresponding fluid mechanic evaluations for the Master thesis of Ryan Rautenbach.
## Workflow for Lagrangian Particle tracking and evaluatio via OpenCV
## Workflow for Lagrangian Particle tracking and evaluation via OpenCV
In the following a brief introduction and guide based on the folders in the repository is laid out. More code specific instructions can be found in the respective codes.
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ After tracking is completed for all respective experiments and the results direc
09 --> Directory does not contain any python codes but instead contains the respective Origin Lab files for the graphing, plotting and evaluation of results calculated via python is given. Respective tables, histograms and heat maps are hereby given to be used as templates if necessary.
The project used the Origin 2023 (64-bit) version, if no Origin license is available then Origin Lab provides a free Origin Viewer with which the projects can be opened and viewed. (
## Related publication
Rautenbach, R., 2023. Experimental Investigations of the Flow-Following Capabilities and Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Lagrangian Sensor Particles with Respect to their Centre of Mass. (Master thesis). Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Multiphase Flows.