5 merge requests!71Fix conflict,!53newest changes (Rebekka and Kristof) into master,!51update pages from Karsten,!49Dev update contributing.md,!48Link description for creating merge requests
@@ -81,12 +81,18 @@ As for VSCodium, render your document with `<CTRL>+<SHIFT>+V`
## Publishing your File
### First time publishing a topic and no GitLab experience
Choose whatever you feel comfortable with: You can forward your topic.md to me via
* Mail (see below, not elegant but simple)
* TUHH-cloud (check your mails for the link) (still not elegant but simple)
* GitLab merge request at: https://gitlab.com/fabiangabel/research-topics-mat-tuhh (not as simple but elegant)
* Mail
* TUHH-cloud (check your mails for the link)
### If you have already published something and want to modify your existing files
* GitLab issue/merge-request at: https://collaborating.tuhh.de/cfg0846/research-topics-mat-tuhh (the preferred way)
* See this description and contact Fabian Gabel (see below) if you need assistance: [https://writemd.rz.tuhh.de/s/bZESwieQR](https://writemd.rz.tuhh.de/s/bZESwieQR)