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Alexander Povel / LaTeX Cookbook
MIT LicenseREPO MOVED TO GITHUB: https://github.com/alexpovel/latex-cookbook
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Maximilian Stark / ib_base
MIT LicenseInformation Bottleneck Algorithms for Relevant-Information-Preserving Signal Processing in Python
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ITBH / OER / Informatik / Einführung in die Informationstechnik
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
M-21 / public / templates / ITT LaTeX template
MIT LicenseLaTeX template of the Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics (M21) for theses. Based on the Cookbook by Alex Povel.
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Marvin Kastner / einfuehrung-in-datenauswertung
MIT LicenseEinführung in Datenauswertung mit Jupyter Notebooks
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Pontifex using the HUGO theme Doks
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V-5 / Multiphase Bioreactors / Sebastian Hofmann / Data for Flow Characteristics of Differently Sized LSPs in 15kL STR
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThis Python code entails...
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Programs for the exercises of the module “Matrix Algorithms”
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A Python Toolkit to Compute the Transmission Behaviour of Plane Electromagnetic Waves Through Human Tissue
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Axel Dürkop / grundschulmathe
GNU General Public License v2.0 or latereinfache Python-Programme für meine Töchter
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Jakob Schyga / Dissertation
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalThis repo includes the "T&E 4Log App" for the Test and Evaluation of indoor localization systems in logistics